A big thank you to all those who wore stripes through the Zebra Filter!

Your support made possible the creation of an incredible mosaic.

The artwork represents a proud zebra - the symbol for rare diseases - and proves the power of unity: together we can do more for people living with a rare disease.

Not only you did demostrate that, but you also helped Chiesi Global Rare Diseases and Make-A-Wish International fulfill the wishes of kids living with rare or severe illnesses.

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Rare Data



Million people living with rare diseases in the world. 1

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largest country in the world, if it was populated by all the people living with a rare disease. 2

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of the worldwide population are affected by a rare disease. 1

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of rare genetic diseases start in childhood. 1

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of rare disease have no approved treatment. 3

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is the average time to have an accurate diagnosis for people with a rare condition. 2

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About last year

In February 2021 we launched the #WeWearStripes social media campaign, encouraging everybody to wear their striped clothes to support our cause. Thanks to the hundreds of people who joined us on our mission, we raised awareness all over the world and were able to donate 10.000€ to EURORDIS.

Ready to wear stripes with the Zebra Filter this year?

wear stripes
wear stripes
wear stripes
wear stripes
wear stripes
wear stripes
wear stripes
wear stripes

About the Rare Disease Day

The Rare Disease Day - created by EURORDIS in 2008 - takes place on the last day of February and is celebrated in over 100 countries all over the world. Its main objective is to raise awareness among the general public and decision makers about rare diseases and their impact on people’s lives.

About the Rare Disease Day
Make a Wish

When kids are battling a critical illness, so much of normal childhood is taken away from them. A wish is something that gives them the opportunity to look outside their illness: it restores a sense of childhood back to the child and normalcy back to the family.5

Wishes make the impossible, possible — helping children replace fear with confidence, sadness with joy and anxiety with hope.

That is why Chiesi Global Rare Diseases will donate 1€ to Make-A-Wish International for each picture with the Zebra Filter.

More about Make-a-wish
  • 1. Nguengang Wakap S et al. Estimating cumulative point prevalence of rare diseases: analysis of the Orphanet database. Eur J Hum Genet 28: 165-173 (2020).
  • 2. EURORDIS, Rare Disease Day Press Release, 25th January 2020
  • 3. Spotlight on Rare Diseases. The Lancet of Diabetes & Endocrinology 2019;7(2): 75
  • 4. Ronicke S et al. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 2019; 14: 69
  • 5. All informations regarding Make-A-Wish are taken from worldwish.org